

Rhinoplasty, commonly known as a “nose job,” is a popular option for those who are unhappy with the size or shape of their nose. This plastic surgery procedure is performed to change the size or shape of the nose and improve its appearance. 

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What is Cosmetic Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty, commonly known as a “nose job,” is a popular option for those who are unhappy with the size or shape of their nose. This plastic surgery procedure is performed to change the size or shape of the nose and improve its appearance. There are two primary types of rhinoplasty: open and closed. In an open procedure, an incision is made across the columella (the strip of tissue that separates the nostrils), while in a closed procedure, incisions are hidden inside the nostrils. Rhinoplasty can also help to improve a patient’s breathing by correcting structural issues such as a deviated septum. Depending on the desired results, the procedure may involve removing, adding, or reshaping cartilage and bone.

See Dr. Scott | Facial Plastics

How is Rhinoplasty Performed?

Rhinoplasty is a complex procedure that can take anywhere from 1.5 to 3 hours depending on the complexity of the surgery. Generally, the surgery involves making incisions inside the nose, but in some cases an incision may be made around the base of the nose. During the procedure, the surgeon will remove or reshape cartilage and bone to give the nose a more aesthetically pleasing look and improve nasal functions such as breathing. The surgeon may also use implants to enhance certain features. Once the desired shape is achieved, the skin and tissue will be repositioned and stitched back together. After this, your surgeon will place a splint and packing to help support your nose's new shape.

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See a Nationally Renowned Facial Plastic Surgeon with Experience in Rhinoplasty in Louisville, KY

Kentuckiana ENT, a Division of ENT Care Centers, has a dedicated rhinoplasty surgeon with years of experience. See our cosmetic facial surgeon today:

Dr. Bruce Scott, MD - Rhinoplasty Cosmetic Surgeon in Louisville KY

FAQs about Rhinoplasty

  • How do you prepare for rhinoplasty surgery?

    Preparing for rhinoplasty is essential to ensure a successful and safe procedure. Your surgeon will provide you with specific instructions on how to prepare, but here are some general tips to help you get ready. Firstly, make sure you take good care of your body by eating nutritious meals and getting enough rest before the surgery. Additionally, it’s important to stop taking any NSAIDs, vitamin E, aspirin, herbal supplements, or medications two weeks before surgery. Make sure to also avoid using topical creams and Retin-A, AHA & BHA on your face at least four days before the procedure. Finally, don’t forget to bathe and wash your hair the night before surgery and don’t eat or drink anything on the morning of your procedure. Following these guidelines will help ensure a smooth experience during your rhinoplasty procedure.

  • How is Rhinoplasty performed?

    Rhinoplasty is a delicate operation that requires years of training and skill. The surgery starts with making incisions inside the nose, but in some cases, an incision may be made around the base of the nose. During the procedure, the surgeon will remove or reshape cartilage and bone to give the nose a more aesthetically pleasing look and improve nasal functions such as breathing. The surgeon may also use implants to enhance certain features. Once the desired shape is achieved, the skin and tissue will be repositioned and stitched back together. After this, your surgeon will place a splint and packing to help support your nose's new shape.

  • What are the types of rhinoplasty?

    Rhinoplasty is a highly individualized procedure, and there are many types of surgeries available to address a variety of cosmetic and functional issues. The two primary types of rhinoplasty are open rhinoplasty and closed rhinoplasty, with other variations including revision rhinoplasty, reduction rhinoplasty, augmentation rhinoplasty, liquid rhinoplasty, post-traumatic rhinoplasty, and tip plasty. Open rhinoplasty involves incisions on the outside of the nose and is typically used for more extensive surgeries. During a closed rhinoplasty, all incisions are hidden inside the nose. Tip plasty is a type of nose job that focuses on reshaping the nasal tip only. Each type of rhinoplasty will have its own set of risks and benefits, which should be discussed with your doctor prior to surgery.

  • What are the complications and risks of rhinoplasty?

    Like any surgery, rhinoplasty carries some inherent risks. Although complications are rare, it is important to be aware of the potential risks and complications associated with rhinoplasty. Common complications include abnormal swelling, hematomas, local infections, and skin necrosis. Other risks include bleeding, infection, anesthesia reactions, abnormal narrowing of the nostrils, undesirable cosmetic changes, skin and soft tissue atrophy, and fibrosis. Infection is the most common risk of any surgical procedure. Severe bleeding or infections are the most common rhinoplasty complications. It is important to consult your cosmetic surgeon to understand the risks and to make sure that you are a good candidate for rhinoplasty.

  • What is the recovery and aftercare of rhinoplasty?

    Rhinoplasty recovery may seem extensive at first glance. But even though it lasts six weeks, you will be free to return to work or school within five to 14 days. After the surgery, your body will need to focus its energy on healing, so the less strenuous activity the better. It is recommended to take time off work or school for up to two weeks, and avoid physical activities such as sports and exercise until the doctor tells you it is safe to do so. During this time, you should avoid strenuous activities and keep your head elevated when resting to reduce swelling. In addition, icing your nose for the first 48 hours is highly recommended, as well as avoiding salt and high-sodium foods as this can cause swelling and delay recovery time. It may take a few months for your nasal skin to completely return to normal after rhinoplasty, and on average it takes about a full year for complete recovery. With patience and proper aftercare, you can enjoy the beautiful results of your rhinoplasty procedure.

  • What is the cost of rhinoplasty?

    The cost of a rhinoplasty procedure is an important factor for potential patients to consider. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), the average cost of a rhinoplasty is $5,483, based on a 2020 study. However, the cost can range anywhere from $2,500 to over $10,000 depending on the complexity of the case. Anesthesia and facility fees are often additional expenses that need to be budgeted. Patients should be sure to discuss all fees with their surgeon before starting any procedures.

  • How do you choose a rhinoplasty surgeon?

    When it comes to choosing a surgeon for rhinoplasty, it is essential to select a qualified and certified professional who will carry out the procedure with precision. The surgeon should have a valid medical license, be board-certified in either plastic surgery, oral and maxillofacial surgery, or otolaryngology (ENT), and have extensive experience performing rhinoplasty. In addition, they should be willing to answer any questions you may have about the procedure and provide you with an honest assessment of the expected results. With the right surgeon, you can feel confident that your rhinoplasty will be a success.

    Dr. Bruce Scott, MD is a fellowship-trained facial plastic surgeon with extensive experience in rhinoplasty. Learn more about our cosmetic nose specialist.

  • What questions should you ask your surgeon about rhinoplasty?

    When you’re considering rhinoplasty, it’s important to be an informed patient. Knowing the risks and benefits of the procedure will help you make the right decision. But it’s also essential to choose an experienced and board-certified facial plastic surgeon who can ensure your safety and provide the best results. Before making your decision, be sure to ask your surgeon the following questions: Are you certified by the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery? Do you have additional fellowship training relevant to Rhinoplasty? Am I a good candidate? Do I have realistic expectations? What medication will I be given or prescribed after surgery? What is your experience with rhinoplasty? Ask specific questions regarding the recovery process of your nose job. Will the recovery process be painful? What types of medications will I need to take? Answering these questions will help you make an informed decision about whether rhinoplasty is right for you.

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