Laryngitis is inflammation or irritation of the structures of the throat and voice box, often leading to voice disturbances
A minor procedure that allows doctors to examine your vocal cords and voice box with a light and a tiny mirror or by inserting a thin tube with a camera attached. This is safely performed in the office without sedation.
Specially trained therapists may be able to work with you on exercises and techniques to improve your vocal function.
Acute laryngitis will get better in a week or so and often involves rest and hydration. Chronic laryngitis, on the other hand, is a result of underlying conditions like smoking, excessive consumption of alcohol, or heartburn. Therefore, treatment usually involves addressing these issues.
The thyroid is a gland in your neck responsible for secreting hormones that help with metabolism and development. Thyroid nodules often require the expertise of an ENT specialist. If you think you’re developing a thyroid problem, schedule a consultation with one of our experts.
Ear tube surgery (myringotomy) is often used to treat children with a severe middle ear infection. For more information on the process, get in touch.
Hearing aids not sufficient for your hearing? You may be a candidate for a cochlear implant. Contact us today!
Go here to request an appointment, here to refer a patient, and here if you are a parent making an appointment for your child. If you have any other questions, reach out to us below!
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