The thyroid gland is located at the base of your neck and produces a hormone that regulates metabolism. Thyroid problems arise when your thyroid makes either too much or too little of this hormone.
Thyroid nodules in the thyroid gland are common but require investigation and possibly intervention.
Thyroidectomy, which is the removal of the complete or partial thyroid gland, may be suggested for treatment of certain thyroid disorders.
An ultrasound allows a more thorough and complete evaluation of the thyroid gland tissues, surrounding structures and anatomy. It can help differentiate and determine which thyroid gland nodules require further investigation.
This safe, office-based procedure performed under local anesthesia involves inserting a small needle into the enlarged nodule to get a sample of the tissue. This tissue is then analyzed by a pathologist to determine a diagnosis.
Many people have thyroid nodules that are not concerning. When the nodule is large, growing, or has suspicious characteristics, an ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration (biopsy) may be needed to determine the type of nodule and the best treatment plan.
A goiter is a thyroid gland filled with many noncancerous nodules. They can be nonfunctional (not produce hormones) or functional, such as in Graves' Disease.
Thyroid cancer, although concerning, is well-treated.
Thyroidectomy is often recommended with possible additional treatment, such as radioactive ablation. Common thyroid cancers include papillary thyroid cancer, follicular thyroid cancer, and medullary thyroid cancer.
Do you find yourself frequently suffering from swollen and painful tonsils? Contact Kentuckiana ENT to book an appointment.
If you or a loved one are a heavy snorer, it’s essential you seek medical assistance. This is because snoring is a common indicator of sleep apnea (or OSA). Have more questions? Get in touch with our team; we’ll be happy to help.
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