At some point in their lives many people experience dizziness-
The world is spinning around you
You are nauseated
Your head is swimming
You are very sensitive to light or changes in lighting
Sounds make you dizzy/make your world “jiggle”
Dizzy when sitting or standing still
Dizzy when rolling over in bed
Dizzy when turning or moving your head
Dizzy when bent over or reaching down
Dizziness that lasts for a few seconds when you get up quickly from a chair or bed
There can be several causes of dizziness other than your ears; high blood pressure, side effects of medications, heart problems, neurological factors. Come see us at Kentuckiana ENT. We can help pinpoint the cause of your dizziness and get you the right treatment to alleviate your symptoms
Visit our newest location at Old Brownsboro Crossing-same or next day appointments often available at this location.
Same day appointments available for most ear problems–including dizziness-with our Nurse Practitioner.
Go here to request an appointment, here to refer a patient, and here if you are a parent making an appointment for your child. If you have any other questions, reach out to us below!
See the best otolaryngologists in
Louisville, KY and Jeffersonville, IN
at Kentuckiana Ear, Nose & Throat